Wednesday, January 4, 2012

From Under the Piles - Equipped for Battle

941s, UTC-6s, 1099s, W-2, 1041s, compliance certificate here, compliance certificate there, this license, that license, sales tax forms, regulatory statues, and more and more and more the pile grows. Let's add this paper, and let's add that . “Let's legislate a new law which will have a new form to replace the old form so that when we get ready for another form the form we have now will be obsolete,” they say. “Let's rearrange this method so that the old method will have to be modified, and then we will have to hire compliance officers so that we can be sure that the new rules are being followed by each institution we force to use them,” they reason. Who can find the time to transact? Who can move and change as quickly as the new regiment requires? Amazingly there are still businesses who are able to manage to work after they emerge from under the piles.

One of the ways to ensure job security for those who are not in the business world is to legislate laws that have forms for required compliance. If there are laws to be kept and enforcement must be made, then employment is insured. For example, if a law is conceived and legislated that all red cars were to be registered as such with the Department of Transportation, then there would have to be some sort of form that was used to fill a database on all the red cars in that particular area. All red car owners would have to fill out this form, turn it in to the proper agency, probably pay a red car fee (not a tax, of course) and then a record of that red car could be kept in a database that would show all red cars. To perform this small new requirement would require the following people: The legislator, the attorneys to draw up the law, the clerks who would run errands and messages for the legislators and attorneys, the compilers of the paper printed, the communicators for the new law, the mail people to notify the public of the new law, the agents who would distribute the new form, the agent who would collect the new form, the worker who would input the data, the person who would analyze and report the data, the enforcers of the law, etc., etc., etc.

Therefore, if there really is to be a change in the unemployment level, perhaps what the legislature should do is make more laws that have more people involved in the process. Perhaps if they make enough laws, everyone in the United States will have a job in some form or another to keep business people and individuals within the ever changing bounds of acceptability. Just keep adding to the pile, and drown out creativity, desire, passion and ingenuity. Keep adding to the pile and watch skilled people in business smother under the regulations required. Just keep drowning motivated Americans with the mountains of legislation and squelch the spirit that has made this country great. Get everyone on the dole, and no one will be motivated to do anything beyond the level of a socialist or communist society. Oh, is that the direction this country has been headed for a long time now? Let's see, maybe the interested reader will just go to the government websites and take a brief look at all the laws passed within the last ten years.

Piles, piles and more piles...who would have ever knew?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

Look for the new devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation” in all major bookstore sites, ; ; download to e-books, find locally at

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