Monday, January 31, 2022

Seeking a Sign from Heaven - Luke 11:16

The beloved physician Luke wrote how Jesus, “was casting out a devil, and it was dumb. And it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake; and the people wondered. But some of them said, He casts out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils”, and in chapter eleven and verse sixteen of his book Luke shared how, “others, tempting him, sought of him a sign from heaven” where we read:

And others, tempting him, sought of him a sign from heaven.

The verse reads, “And others, tempting him, ...” Luke began with the words, “and others” or “and other people within the crowd who saw Jesus cast the demon out of the man”, “tempting him” which means “made trial of, tested and examined Jesus to prove Him”. Luke shared how some of the “other” people in the crowd watching Jesus “cast the demon out” of the man who was “dumb” began to “test and try” Jesus to prove Him.

The verse goes on to say, “... sought of him a sign from heaven.” Luke continued with the words, “sought of him” or “enquired, aimed, craved, demanded and strove from Jesus” “a sign from heaven” or “a token, mark or portent from the region above the sidereal heavens, the seat of order of things eternal and consummately perfect where God dwells and other heavenly beings”. Luke shared how some other people within the crowd wanted Jesus to “show” them a “mark or token” from “heaven” to prove who He was.

When we think through Luke's words in this verse, we see how there were “doubters” in the crowd of people watching Jesus even through He performed a miracle right in front of their eyes. These people were wanting Jesus to give them a “sign from heaven”, and though Jesus cast the demon out of the man in their presence, they could not perceive His power. There are some people who “will not believe”, and no matter what Jesus did, they only challenged Him. God desires to have a relationship with every person through His Son Jesus, and only by God's Holy Spirit will their eyes be opened to “see” He is the “sign from heaven”. Those who are wise will examine Jesus' life carefully, ask God the Father to open their hearts and minds to see Him and receive Him as their personal “Savior and Lord”.

Next time Luke shares how, “knowing their thoughts, said unto them, every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

Look for the daily devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation”, the marriage book “So, You Want to Be Married”, “One Year in the Sermon on the Mount” and the new poetry book "Random Mushrooms Volumes I and II" and the new novel "Elizabeth County" in all major bookstore sites, ; ; download to e-books, and find it locally at All references are from "Strongs Concordance".


Casting Out Devils through Beelzebub? - Luke 11:15

The beloved physician Luke wrote how Jesus, “was casting out a devil, and it was dumb. And it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake; and the people wondered”, and in chapter eleven and verse fifteen of his book Luke shared how some people said Jesus, “casts out devils through Beelzebub” where we read:

But some of them said, He casts out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.

The verse reads, “But some of them said ...” Luke began with the words, “but some of them” or “however, nonetheless, notwithstanding and moreover certain ones belonging to the group of people who were in awe” “said” which means “uttered, declared and proclaimed” the following words. Luke shared how “certain ones” of the people who saw Jesus cast the demon out of the man who was “dumb” said the following words.

The verse continues, “... He casts out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.” Luke added the words, “he casts out devils” or “Jesus drives out, expels and banishes wicked and evil ones who are messengers and ministers of the devil” “through Beelzebub” or “by the way, means and power of Beelzebub which means lord of the house or flies which is a name of Satan who is the prince of evil spirits” “the chief of the devils” which means “the ruler, commander and leader pertaining to the wicked and evil ones who are messengers and ministers of the devil”. Luke shared how some the people who observed Jesus “driving out” the “demon” accused Him of “expelling” him by the power of “Satan” who is the leader of all the “demonic spirits”.

When we meditate upon Luke's words in this verse, we see the reaction of “some” of the people who observed this miracle performed by Jesus. Though this man began to speak was delivered of the “demon” that caused him to be “dumb”, they only focused on how this was performed. They decided Jesus did this supernatural act by “Satan's” power. God often performs “miracles” both spiritually and physically in people, and so many people attempt to explain away His supernatural power. Rather than believe in Him, they believe in their conclusion. God desires to have a personal relationship with every person through His Son Jesus, and when they submit their lives to Him as their personal “Savior and Lord”, they shall give “credit and glory” to God Almighty who does all things far and above the expectation of man.

Next time Luke shares how, “others, tempting him, sought of him a sign from heaven”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

Look for the daily devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation”, the marriage book “So, You Want to Be Married”, “One Year in the Sermon on the Mount” and the new poetry book "Random Mushrooms Volumes I and II" and the new novel "Elizabeth County" in all major bookstore sites, ; ; download to e-books, and find it locally at All references are from "Strongs Concordance".


A Dumb Spirit - Luke 11:14

The beloved physician Luke wrote how Jesus told His disciples, “If a son shall ask for bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?”, and in chapter eleven and verse fourteen of his book Luke shared how Jesus was, “casting out a devil, and it was dumb” where we read:

And he was casting out a devil, and it was dumb.

And it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spoke; and the people wondered.

The verse reads, “And he was casting out a devil, and it was dumb.” Luke began with the words, “and he was casting out” or “and Jesus who is the Son of God, the Savior of mankind and God incarnate whose name means Jehovah is Salvation was driving out, expelling and banishing” “a devil” which means “a demon or wicked and evil spirit that is inferior to God and superior to men and the messenger and minister of the devil”, “and it was dumb” or “and the demon was blunted in tongue or speechless and dull in hearing”. Luke shared how Jesus “drove” a “demon” out of a man who caused a man not to be able to speak.

The verse goes on to say, “And it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake; and the people wondered.” Luke continued with the words, “and it came to pass” or “and it happened and came into existence”, “when the devil” or “at the time and moment the demon or wicked and evil spirit that is inferior to God and superior to men and the messenger and minister of the devil” “was gone out” which means “was gone forth, expelled and banished from the man”, “the dumb spoke” or “the man who was blunted in tongue or speechless and dull in hearing uttered, declared, proclaimed and used his tongue to articulate sounds and words”; “and the people wondered” which means “and the men and women were amazed, astonished and in awe and admiration”. Luke shared how the man who was speechless, because of the “demon” within him, began to speak as soon as Jesus cast the “demon” out of him, and this caused the “people” surrounding him to be in awe and amazed.

When we consider Luke's words in this verse, we learn about another great work performed by Jesus. A “demonic spirit” overtook this man and caused him to be “dumb”, and Jesus addressed both the “spiritual and physical” problems within him. First, Jesus addressed the “demon” and drove him away, and this allowed the man to “speak” in such a way that it caused those who witnessed the event to be “amazed and in awe”. God loves to work in the miraculous, and there is no evil spirit that is greater than His Son Jesus. God sent Jesus to the world to “push back the darkness” within people that causes them to be separated from a relationship with Him, and when a person believes and trusts in Jesus as their personal “Savior and Lord” they align themselves with the One who has power over all “spiritual and physical” troubles that come into their lives.

Next time Luke shares how, “some of them said, He casts out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

Look for the daily devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation”, the marriage book “So, You Want to Be Married”, “One Year in the Sermon on the Mount” and the new poetry book "Random Mushrooms Volumes I and II" and the new novel "Elizabeth County" in all major bookstore sites, ; ; download to e-books, and find it locally at All references are from "Strongs Concordance".


The Holy Spirit Given - Luke 11:13

The beloved physician Luke wrote how Jesus told His disciples, “If a son shall ask for bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?”, and in chapter eleven and verse thirteen of his book Luke shared how Jesus asks a question about the, “heavenly Father” giving “the Holy Spirit to them that ask him” where we read:

If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children:

how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?

The verse reads, “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children:” Luke began with the words, “if you then” or “whether Jesus' disciples therefore, wherefore and these things being so”, “being evil” which means “existing as full of labors, annoyances, hardships, bad nature and wickedness” “know how to give good gifts” or “perceive, notice, discern and discover the way and means to grant, bestow, supply and furnish useful, salutary, pleasant, agreeable, joyful and happy presents” “unto your children” which means “toward the offspring and progeny of Jesus' disciples”. Luke shared how Jesus' disciples gave “pleasant things” to their offspring even while they were prone to “wickedness”.

The verse continues, “how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” Luke added the words, “how much more shall your heavenly Father” or “to what greater degree will God the Father who resides in the region above the sidereal heavens and the seat of order of things eternal and consummately perfect where God dwells and other heavenly beings” “give the Holy Spirit” or “grant, bestow, supply and furnish the sacred, most holy, morally blameless and religiously and ceremonially consecrated third person of the triune God who is coequal and coeternal with the Father and the Son” “to them that ask him” which means “to the people who beg, call for, crave and desire from God the Father”? Luke shared how Jesus questioned whether His disciples thought “God the Father” would provide His “Holy Spirit” to everyone who “asks” for Him.

When we think through Luke's words in this verse, we see how Jesus compared the willingness of His “disciples” to provide for their children to God the Father's desire to provide His “Holy Spirit” to everyone who desires Him. God loves everyone, and when they yield their lives to His Son Jesus Christ, He provide them with His Holy Spirit who will lead and guide them into all truth. (See John 16:13). God the Father will provide them with the power of His Holy Spirit to adjust to any situation that comes along. (See Zechariah 4:6). Those who are wise will understand Jesus' illustration, submit to Him and “ask” Him for whatever they need.

Next time Luke shares how Jesus was, “casting out a devil, and it was dumb”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

Look for the daily devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation”, the marriage book “So, You Want to Be Married”, “One Year in the Sermon on the Mount” and the new poetry book "Random Mushrooms Volumes I and II" and the new novel "Elizabeth County" in all major bookstore sites, ; ; download to e-books, and find it locally at All references are from "Strongs Concordance".


A Scorpion for an Egg? - Luke 11:12

Luke the beloved physician wrote how Jesus asked His disciples, “If a son shall ask for bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?”, and in chapter eleven and verse twelve of his book Luke shared how Jesus asked a question concerning, “an egg” and “a scorpion” where we read:

Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?

The verse reads, “Or if he shall ask an egg, ...” Luke began with the words, “or if he shall ask” or “or whether the son of a father request, beg for, crave and desire” “an egg” which means “the egg of a bird to eat”. Luke shared how Jesus referred to a “son” who asks his father for an “egg” to eat.

The verse goes on to say, “... will he offer him a scorpion?” Luke continued with the words, “will he offer him” or “will the father deliver or hand to the son” “a scorpion” which is “the name of a little animal, somewhat resembling a lobster, which in warm regions lurks especially in stone walls”? Luke shared how Jesus questioned whether the father would offer to his “son” a “scorpion” instead of “an egg”.

When we meditate upon Luke's words in this verse, we see how Jesus presented an extreme example to His disciples concerning a “son” who asks his “father” for sustenance. When the “son” asks for an “egg”, the father doesn't give the son a “scorpion” instead, and neither will God the Father who sent His only Son to die for the sins of mankind provide terrible things for those who follow Him. God loves people, and He has their best interest in mind. When people “deny themselves, take up their crosses and follow Him”, they may ask for anything they desire without expecting something terrible in response.

Next time Luke shares how Jesus asks a question about the, “heavenly Father” giving “the Holy Spirit to them that ask him”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

Look for the daily devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation”, the marriage book “So, You Want to Be Married”, “One Year in the Sermon on the Mount” and the new poetry book "Random Mushrooms Volumes I and II" and the new novel "Elizabeth County" in all major bookstore sites, ; ; download to e-books, and find it locally at All references are from "Strongs Concordance".


Sunday, January 30, 2022

Bread, a Stone, a Fish and a Serpent - Luke 11:11

The beloved physician Luke wrote how Jesus told His disciples, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened”, and in chapter eleven and verse eleven of his book Luke shared how Jesus asks a question concerning, “bread, a stone, a fish and a serpent” where we read:

If a son shall ask for bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone?

or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?

The verse reads, “If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone?” Luke began with the words, “if a son” or “whether a male offspring and progeny” “shall ask for bread” which means “will beg, crave, desire and require flour mixed with water and baked and made into loaves” “of any of you” or “belonging to any particular one of Jesus' disciples” “that is a father” which means “who is the chief progenitor and ancestor”, “will he give him a stone” or “would that father grant, bestow, supply and furnish their son with a rock”? Luke shared how Jesus questioned His disciples as to which one of them who has “a son” who desires to have “bread” would provide him with a rock instead.

The verse continues, “or if he asks for a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?” Luke added the words, “or if he asks for a fish” or “or if Jesus' disciples male progeny and descendant begs, craves, desires and requires a fish of the sea to eat” “will he for a fish give him a serpent” or “will that father provide a snake instead of the fish”. Luke shared how Jesus continued His question to His disciples concerning a “son” who desires to have a “fish of the sea” to eat, would they provide a “snake” to the “son” instead?

When we consider Luke's words in this verse, we see how Jesus employed extreme examples to show His disciples not only how they would provide “loving acts”, but that His Heavenly Father would do even more than they. Jesus' disciples were those who yielded their lives to Him as their “Savior and Lord”, and they could expect God to provide for them according to His “riches in glory” (See Philippians 4:19). God provided His Son Jesus to die for the sins of all mankind, and this was His greatest gift to them. All other needs people have are to be brought to God by “asking, seeking and knocking” persistently until they know what the will of the Lord is for their lives.

Next time Luke shares how Jesus asks a question concerning, “an egg” and “a scorpion”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

Look for the daily devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation”, the marriage book “So, You Want to Be Married”, “One Year in the Sermon on the Mount” and the new poetry book "Random Mushrooms Volumes I and II" and the new novel "Elizabeth County" in all major bookstore sites, ; ; download to e-books, and find it locally at All references are from "Strongs Concordance".