Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Partaker of Evil Deeds 2 John 11 - Equipped for Battle

Over the last few days, we have been learning about the truth from John the apostle in his book named Second John. Over and over John has emphasized how important it is for “the elect lady” and us not to allow those who teach false doctrine to influence our way of living or beliefs. John knew of those who were promoting additions to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and he knew of these “itinerant prophets” who would travel from town to town spreading their pernicious thoughts. John wrote in verse ten of Second John that these false teachers should not be allowed in the elect lady's house nor should she bid them God speed. Today John shares an even stronger warning to the elect lady to which we would do well to take heed. He wrote in the eleventh verse of Second John:

For he that bids him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

Woe! Now that is strong language. John says if anyone bids or wishes or speaks out a blessing over these who promote false teachings, then they too are partakers of these false teacher's evil deeds. In other words, to promote these who proclaim anything other than the gospel is just as bad as being the one who promotes it. In John's day there were many who would align themselves with the teachings of anyone who promoted any teaching that sounded good. As long as someone could verbalize their thoughts and give reason as to why someone should follow them, many just went along. It's not a lot different today. The common phrase is “to each his own”, and with a cavalier attitude many times it appears that any teaching or doctrine is as good as another “as long as it is not hurting anyone.” This is not in alignment with the teaching from John the apostle.

The greatest difficulty with false teaching is where it eventually leads. Jesus spoke of those who would not understand why He would say depart from me in the judgment. The apostle Matthew records Jesus' words in the gospel of Matthew in chapter seven and verses twenty-one thru twenty-three:

Not every one that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out devils? and in your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.

The importance of knowing the true doctrine verses false will be the determining factor for our eternal destiny. We will either know the truth about Jesus Christ, or we will not. There is no dividing line, and the importance of our eternal life or death will be contingent upon the doctrine we follow. John the apostle calls any other way “evil deeds”. They are evil because they lead people away from the truth, and their lives both now and eternally will be affected by their doctrine. John says if we bid them “God speed” we participate in the process of sending people to Jesus who will one day proclaim over them “I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.” John knew that the works that are being done by these false teachers and their followers did not matter. The greatness of their works whether it was prophesying, casting out devils or doing many wonderful works bore no weight at all compared to doing the will of Jesus' Father which is in heaven.

We would do well today to make our calling and election sure. We must seek the scriptures daily as the Bereans did in the book of Acts to see whether the teaching we are receiving are true. Our eternal lives depend upon it, and those who promote teachings other than those of Jesus we are not to entertain in our houses nor bid them God speed or success lest we align ourselves with them.

Next time we shall look at what John says about cutting his letter short even though he has more to say, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow...there is more...

Look for the new devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation” in all major bookstore sites, www.amazon.com ; www.barnesandnobles.com ; download to e-books, and find it locally at www.mrzlc.com/bookstore

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