Friday, August 10, 2012

Paul Greets Philemon's House Church Philemon 2 - Equipped for Battle

So far in our study of the book of Philemon we have learned of the author, Paul the apostle, we have seen his humble opening greeting, and we have found him accompanied by his protege Timothy. We have discovered to whom the book was written, Philemon, whom Paul considered to be dearly beloved and a fellowlabourer with him. Today we add to those whom Paul greeted, and we discover a church within their home. Paul wrote in verse two:

And to [our] beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellowsoldier, and to the church in your house:

Now most scholars believe that “Apphia” whose name means “fruitful” was quite possibly Philemon's wife, and “Archippus” whose name means “master of the horse” was Philemon's son. The name “Apphia” is a proper feminine noun and the name “Archippus” is a proper masculine noun, so this is very likely. Whatever the case may be, these two individuals were important enough for Paul to mention. Notice too that Archippus was labeled “our fellowsoldier” which refers to him being “an associate in labors and conflicts for the cause of Christ.” In other words, Archippus was one who worked alongside of Paul and Timothy to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is truly nothing like the camaraderie of those who work together for God Almighty's cause.

What is of particular noteworthiness in this verse is Paul's reference “to the church in your house.” In Paul's day it was not unusual for people to have churches within their homes. Sometimes there would be as few as two or three people who would meet together. They would share the scriptures they had, sing a few songs, pray, and worship the Lord together. These meetings would be somewhat like our home groups or small groups today. There is something very intimate about small groups of believers worshiping the Lord Jesus together. There tends to be a closeness that is developed that is unmatched within the larger bodies of worship.

Today there are huge buildings and edifices, programs and events, and staffs and accommodations which give ample opportunities for people to come together and worship the Lord Jesus in one location. These are wonderful in their ability to pull resources together so as to make efforts to share the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the whole world. However, sometimes like a Gesellschaft society, personal connections are often secondary. If we attend a larger church we may sit by someone we do not know one week and be sitting by someone we do not know the next week. Our common thread is that we believe in Jesus Christ, and we have come to church to worship Him, but we do not have the level of intimacy with one another that is found in a church home.

Both of these models of churches are important, and both of them are useful in the Kingdom of God. Somehow though, through this letter from Paul, there is a uniqueness to having church in a home that is noteworthy by Paul. Perhaps there should be more home Bible studies, prayer groups, home worship groups to share in fellowship and communion with one another. The care and concern provided by a home church setting is second to none when it comes to dealing with life's circumstances, troubles, trials, and intimate details about one's connection with God. Perhaps today's lesson from Paul is to consider joining or beginning a church within our home, and thereby we too shall minister to others and be ministered to by others as well.

Next time we will look at one more verse of greeting that Paul gives in this book, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow...there is more...

Look for the new devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation” in all major bookstore sites, ; ; download to e-books, and find it locally at

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