Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Communication of the Gospel Galatians 2:2 - Equipped for Battle

As Paul is sharing with the church members in Galatia, he has been compelled to share his history after receiving Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. He also has included his background and travels as an itinerant preacher of the gospel, and tells them he only returned to Jerusalem after fourteen years of being in the mission field. He continues his discourse in chapter two and verse two by sharing with them what he did when he returned. He said:

And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain.

Paul first says, “And I went up by revelation,”. The idea is that he went with full disclosure and inspiration to those who were in Jerusalem. It is important that we realize that Paul was still having to overcome his fierce reputation for imprisoning and persecuting Christians, and because of this it was imperative that he have an open conversation with those involved.

Paul adds, “and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles.” Paul openly told them the gospel he was sharing with the Gentile world. This must have been a cultural and religious challenge to those with whom he was speaking because the initial thought was that this gospel would be for the Jewish people only. However after the day of Pentecost as shared in Acts chapter two, the world was given the opportunity to know Jesus as their Savior. Paul went to the Gentiles and shared the gospel of Jesus Christ, and he wanted those in Jerusalem to know about his message of the abundant grace of God that extended to all.

Finally Paul continued, “but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain.” Rather than share with the entire church membership in Jerusalem which was made up of converted Pharisees and those who kept the law, Paul privately communicated with the apostles who had reputation because if he were to share with all of the church membership they might not be as accepting of his preaching to Gentiles. Because there was a chance there might be an uproar, Paul avoided it by sharing these things privately.

Can we take inspiration from Paul today in sharing the gospel that we “preach”? Perhaps we are not “preachers” of sort, but do others around us even know that we are Christians? Maybe some who read these words have not even received Jesus as their personal Savior, and would like to make that decision. As we read these words of Paul we can see that a mighty change has occurred in him as it may with anyone who simply invites Jesus into their heart and life. If they ask Him to forgive their sins not only will He forgive them but He will also clean them from whatever sins they have ever done. Who knows, from this small teaching may come a huge crowd of people who are telling others of the gospel of grace that they too are sharing with both Jew and Gentile alike. May the Lord bless it to be so.

Next time will study Paul's words about Titus who was traveling with him, so read ahead, and let us join together then.

Until tomorrow...there is more...

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