Friday, May 10, 2013

Inheritance by Promise Galatians 3:18 - Equipped for Battle

While relaying his message about the wonderful grace of God, Paul the apostle has shown the church members of Galatia the relationship between the law of God and the promise of God. Judaizers were attempting to convince the believers in Galatia that they were to follow the customs and rules within the law of God in addition to having faith in Jesus Christ for their salvation. In chapter three of Galatians Paul has used the example of Abraham to show how God promised that all nations would be blessed through him, and this promise preceded the law. In chapter three and verse eighteen Paul shares a significant fact about the inheritance that is included within God's promise. He wrote:

For if the inheritance [be] of the law, [it is] no more of promise: but God gave [it] to Abraham by promise.

Paul begins, “For if the inheritance [be] of the law, [it is] no more of promise:” God has promised an “inheritance” to those who believe in Jesus' sacrificial substitution for their sins. If there was a way that this inheritance could have been obtained by the law, then there would have been no reason for promise. In other words, the law would have nullified the promise that was given to Abraham. But it didn't. God who cannot lie promised Abraham before the law was ever given, and now those who trust in, rely upon, and cling to Jesus Christ will inherit the promise of God.

Paul concludes this verse and section by saying, “but God gave it to Abraham by promise.” To prove his point, Paul makes another appeal to the church member's reason by completing his thought about the promise of God being given to Abraham. God gave the promise of eternal blessing for all the nations of the world before the law and long before Abraham was known as the Father of our faith. This promised inheritance has spread throughout the world, and it is now available to all who will simply believe.

After all these verses about the difference between the promise of God and the law of God concerning our faith, we should have a more clear understanding about God's desire to save anyone who will come to Him in faith. Do we? Are we able to present and live the gospel of grace in such a way that we make Jesus attractive rather than a turn off? Perhaps as we ponder the length and depth to Paul's concern that the Galatian churches have this correct we will also continue to add to our personal testimonies about the grace of God and His desire to save whosoever will.

Next time we discover what Paul says about an inheritance, so read ahead, and let us join together then.

Until tomorrow...there is more...

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