Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Feast is Made Esther 1:3 - Equipped for Battle

The scene is being set, and the providential hand of God is at work. As we have met one of our characters in the book of Esther, Ahasuerus or Xerxes I of Persia, we have learned that he ruled over one hundred and twenty seven provinces at this time and was in the winter palace of Shushan. In chapter one and verse three we see more of the story. We read:

In the third year of his reign, he made a feast unto all his princes and his servants; the power of Persia and Media, the nobles and princes of the provinces, [being] before him:

The scripture begins, “In the third year of his reign, he made a feast unto all his princes and his servants;” This must have been quite the affair as we remember there were one hundred and twenty seven provinces over which he ruled. Princes, servants and those who governed over others were called and invited to participate in this great feast. This massive banquet must have taken great efforts and logistical coordinations from a vast supply of people just to give notification to the guest. Imagine all the planning, equipping and preparation for the feast to be set, the food to be ready, and the travel arrangements for those who were invited. This was going to be the event of Ahasuerus' reign, and those who would attend would be a privileged group.

The scripture continues, “the power of Persia and Media, the nobles and princes of the provinces, being before him:” This gives us even greater insight into the guests. These are the “power” which means the strength, the ability, efficiency, wealth, force and army of Persia and Media. These were the people who made Persia and Media the reigning empire of the day. They were nobles and rulers, chiefs and vassals, heads and overseers, elders and wardens of different areas throughout the empire, and all of them and their servants were invited to participate in this feast. In other words, anyone who was of stature and power throughout the empire was invited to be a guest of this massive banquet. Though the management of this feast must have been quite the undertaking, Ahasuerus managed to pull it all together and now his guest, “being before him” were in position for him to pontificate as he desired upon their listening ears. We shall learn what he had to say to them in our next verse, so we will have to wait until then to know what he said. We must keep in mind as we continue our study, the planning of God is vastly superior than we know in the dealings of man, and His providence goes well beyond our ability to comprehend.

Next time we will see Ahasuerus showing off his riches, so read ahead, and let us join together then.
Until tomorrow...there is more...

Look for the daily devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation” and the new book “So, You Want to be Married?” in all major bookstore sites, ; ; download to e-books, and find it locally at

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