Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Who Better than Me? Esther 6:6 - Equipped for Battle

King Ahasuerus asked Haman, “What shall be done unto the man whom the king delights to honor?” as he was attempting to honor and reward Mordecai for saving him from an assassination attempt. As Haman was listening to the question he was contemplating words to ask the king for permission to hang Mordecai upon a gallows that he had built for him, but as we see more in chapter six and verse six, Haman changed direction in his thoughts. We read:

So Haman came in. And the king said unto him, What shall be done unto the man whom the king delights to honor? Now Haman thought in his heart, To whom would the king delight to do honor more than to myself?

The second section of this verse begins, “Now Haman thought in his heart,...” When Haman heard the king's words, he immediately altered his thoughts from Mordecai to himself. No one in the room knew Haman's thoughts before the king asked what should be done to honor the man in whom the king delights, no one that is except for God Almighty.

Finally we read in the verse, “To whom would the king delight to do honor more than to myself?” Haman, and Haman's desires were on his mind. When the king asked his question, Haman immediately assumed that there was no one better than himself to honor. Since he had been invited to Queen Esther's banquet, and now was re-invited to another one, certainly the obvious choice would be Haman, right? Regardless of our answer, Haman believed that no one in the kingdom was in a position greater than he to receive the king's reward.

Isn't it amazing how we can believe ourselves to be much greater than we are? When we hear there is a reward or honor offered, more than likely we have thoughts similar to Haman's. The wonderful part of our story is that Haman was convinced in his own mind that no one in the entire kingdom was more worthy of honor than he. To the elimination of everyone else, Haman thought himself to be in the best position. We should learn from Haman what not to do. Jesus said that the greatest among us would be the servant, and when we put others before ourselves not only in our actions but also in our thoughts, we align with Him. God Almighty sees and knows every thought we have toward ourselves and others. As we ponder this verse today, perhaps the Lord will bring areas of self-absorption to our minds, and when we find them let us turn our thoughts toward him to alter us in any way He desires.

Next time we will see more of the beginning of Haman's answer to the king, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.
Until tomorrow...there is more...
Look for the daily devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation” and the new marriage book “So, You Want to Be Married” in all major bookstore sites, www.amazon.com ; www.barnesandnobles.com ; download to e-books, and find it locally at www.mrzlc.com/bookstore.

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