Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Not Fear, but Power, Love and a Sound Mind 2 Timothy 1:7

As Paul the apostle continued his final encouragement and challenge to Timothy his “dearly beloved son”, he told him to “stir up the gift of God” which was in him “by the laying on” of Paul's “hands”. This seems to indicate a reluctance on Timothy's part to use the gift that God had given him, so in chapter one and verse seven of his second letter to Timothy, Paul told him that God has not given “us the spirit of fear”, but “power, love and a sound mind” where we read:

For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

The verse begins, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear;” Paul began with the word, “For” which means, “because, since or on account of” “God” which refers to “the one and only true God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit” “has not given” or “didōmi ou didōmi” in Greek and means “grant, let have, furnish or supply” “us” which refers to “those who place their faith and trust in God Almighty and Jesus Christ His Son” “the Spirit” or “the disposition or influence which fills and governs the soul of any one and the efficient source of any power, affection, emotion and desire”“of fear” which means “timidity and cowardice”. There was a tendency for Timothy to be “timid” about his gift since he was younger than many of his church members and elders, so Paul addressed the “spirit of fear” which was in him by reminding him that this “timidity and fearfulness” did not come from God.

The verse goes on to say, “but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” By using the disassociation conjunction, “But”, Paul wrote the contrast to the “spirit of fear” which had a natural tendency to reveal itself within Timothy. Paul declared God's given spirit to be “of power” which is the Greek word “dynamis” from which we get our English word “dynamite”, however our English word “dynamo” is derived from this word as well and is closer to the meaning which is “strength power, ability, inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth”. Paul continued with, “and of love” which is “agape” or “affection, good will, love, benevolence, brotherly and unconditional love”. This is a love that can only be obtained by the Holy Spirit of God. Finally Paul added, “and of a sound mind” which is the Greek word, “sōphronismos” which means “self-control and moderation”. All three of these traits - “power, love and a sound mind” are super-natural traits and are given to believers in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit of God.

While we meditate upon Paul's words, perhaps there are areas within our live in which we are “afraid”. Perhaps we have a “gift of God” which we are too timid to use, and maybe there are areas of “callings” which we have resisted answering for years. Satan himself would like to keep us in a “spirit of fear”, and he would have us to be ignorant that God Almighty has given to us “power, love and a sound mind” if we will simply accept and believe it. We will never be or do all the Lord intends if we are constantly in “fear” over what may or may not happen if we take a venture. Let us ask the Lord for wisdom and boldness to receive His great gifts and use them in a manner that demonstrates his “power, love and sound mind” to others as we share His “good news” the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

Next time Paul tells Timothy not to be “ashamed” of him or “the testimony of the Lord”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

Look for the daily devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation”, the marriage book “So, You Want to Be Married”, and the new devotional “One Year in the Sermon on the Mount” in all major bookstore sites, http://www.amazon.com ; http://www.barnesandnobles.com ; download to e-books, and find it locally at http://www.mrzlc.com/bookstore.

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