Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The LORD will be Terrible Zephaniah 2:11

After telling Moab and Ammon how they would be judged for their pride, reproach of Judah and magnifying “themselves against the people of the LORD of hosts”, in chapter two and verse eleven of his prophesy Zephaniah shares how “the LORD will be terrible unto them” where we read:

The LORD will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth; and men shall worship him, every one from his place, even all the isles of the heathen.

The verse begins, “The LORD will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth;” Zephaniah began with “The LORD” which refers to “Yehovah or Jehovah who is the existing One and the proper name for the one true God” “will be terrible” or “fearful, dreadful, cause astonishment, be held in awe and reverence, and make afraid” “unto them: for he will famish” which is all one Hebrew word, “razah” which means “to be, become or grow lean” “all the gods” which refers to “rulers, judges and divine ones” “of the earth” or “land, country, territory, district or region”. The LORD was to become so “fearful and dreadful” that he would reduce the role of all the false gods within the territory and land.

The verse goes on to say, “and men shall worship him, every one from his place, even all the isles of the heathen.” Once the eradication of the false “gods” was complete, Zephaniah wrote, “and men shall worship” which means “bow down, depress and prostrate oneself in obeisance” “him, every one” or “every man, male, human being, person and mankind” “from his place” which means “station, post, office, city, land, region or place of human abode” “even all the isles” or “including all the coasts, islands, shores and regions” “of the heathen” which refers to “nations and peoples which were non-Hebrews”. Not only would the LORD be “fearful, dreadful and be held in reverence and make afraid” these heathen nations, but he was going to be worshipped by them as well.

When we think about the LORD's words through Zephaniah's, we see the awesomeness of our Almighty God. For those who are against Him, there is sufficient cause to be greatly afraid. The LORD is capable of easily making anyone He desires to be afraid, and we should be in reverence of His awesome power. In a few moments time, He can remove false “gods” from the earth and have heathen nations bowing down in obeisance to Him. When we consider this, it is amazing that He would send His Son Jesus Christ into this world to die for our sins and bring us into a relationship with Him. Because Jesus died for us, the penalty of the “terrible” state of the LORD has been paid. Our only act is to submit to Him in belief that He gave His life for us, and for everyone who will receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and LORD, the fearfulness of the LORD will be avoided. However, if people reject the LORD's sacrifice, woe be to those who will face the “terrible” LORD.

Next time Zephaniah shares concerning the “Ethiopians”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

Look for the daily devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation”, the marriage book “So, You Want to Be Married”, and the new devotional “One Year in the Sermon on the Mount” in all major bookstore sites, http://www.amazon.com ; http://www.barnesandnobles.com ;

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