Thursday, May 28, 2015

Woe to Them that Devise Iniquity Micah 2:1

As Micah the prophet concluded his words in the first chapter of his book, he told the inhabitants to “make you bald” and “poll yourselves” which were signs of mourning because their infant children were to not only be killed, but would also be taken captive by the enemies. The people within Samaria and Jerusalem would not listen to the warnings of the prophets of Israel and Judah, and therefore fell away from their relationship with Almighty God. In chapter two and verse one of his prophecy, Micah writes concerning a great “woe to them that devise iniquity” where we read:

Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practice it, because it is in the power of their hand.

The verse begins, “Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds!” The word “woe” means “ah! Ha! Ho! Alas! O!” and was employed by Micah to bring attention to his warning. He continued, “to them that devise” which means “to think, plan, esteem, calculate, invent, make a judgment, imagine, count, consider or be mindful of” “iniquity” or “trouble, wickedness, sorrow and idolatry”. If we use our imaginations we can picture those who scheme and plan to do evil, and Micah added, “and work evil” which means “do bad, wicked, malignant, disagreeable, sad and hurtful things” “upon their beds” which refers to “when they are lying down on a couch or bier”. While they lay their heads down they are making wicked and hurtful plans against others, and Micah's words were“Woe to them”.

The verse goes on to say, “when the morning is light, they practice it, because it is in the power of their hand.” Micah went on to add what happens when these wicked planners arise in the morning, “when the morning is light” or “when the dawn comes or early light begins to shine” “they practice it” which means “fashion, accomplish, make and produce what they have planned”, “because it is in the power” or “within their ability and strength” “of their hand”. Not only do these wicked ones plan their evil deeds, but they also carry them out as soon as daybreak comes.

While we ponder Micah's words, we should remember that ideas are formed first in the mind, and only afterwards are they carried out. These of whom Micah speaks allowed their minds to fashion evil and wicked deeds, and as soon as it was morning, they began implement them. “Woe” was a warning term which depicted one who was in serious trouble, and for those who spent their time upon their beds, couches or biers contemplating hurtful and malignant activities, the Lord was not ignorant of their devices. Let us know that no matter what evil or wickedness is conspired and carried out, the Lord God above always knows and is preparing a great “Woe” to them devise them.

Next time Micah shares more about those who devise evil, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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