Saturday, September 17, 2016

Consider Your Ways Haggai 1:5

While the temple of the LORD lay dormant, the people of Israel who had returned from captivity in Babylon attended to their own houses. Haggai the prophet questioned them as to whether this was “the time to dwell in” their “cieled houses” while the house of the LORD “lie waste”? In chapter one and verse five of his prophecy, Haggai wrote how the LORD told them to “consider your ways”. We read:

Now therefore thus says the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways.

The verse begins, “Now therefore thus says the LORD of hosts;” Haggai began with the words, “Now therefore thus says” which is all one Hebrew word, 'amar” which means “speak, utter, answer and avow” “the LORD” or “Yehovah or Jehovah” whose name means “the existing One” and is “the proper name of the one true God” “of hosts” or “that which goes forth to war or a host of organized army”. This directive is from none other than “Jehovah” God Himself, and those who are wise should pay close attention to what He declares.

The verse continues, “Consider your ways.” Haggai added, “Consider” or “put, place, set, appoint, make, lay upon, direct and extend” “your ways” which refers to “road, path, journey, direction, manner, habit, course of life and moral character”. The LORD wanted the Israelites to think about their attitudes and manner of living which was aloof from the rebuilding of His temple.

When we think about Haggai's words, we see “the LORD” directing His people to think about and pay attention to their ways. Rather than continue on the path they were on, the LORD desired for them to “consider” their path and pay attention to His ways. Do we have areas in our lives where the LORD would have us “consider” our “ways”? Are we on “paths” that are different than “the LORD” would have us be on? If so, let us think about whether we have the Lord Jesus as our priority or are opposed or ignoring Him in our ways.

Next time the LORD tells Israel how they “have sown much but bring in little”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

Look for the daily devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation”, the marriage book “So, You Want to Be Married”, and the new devotional “One Year in the Sermon on the Mount” in all major bookstore sites, ; ; download to e-books, and find it locally at

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