Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pushed Beyond the Limits

The line is drawn in the sand, and the opponent is told not to cross it. Face to face the encounter begins and the battle within enrages. Will he cross or will he obey? Will he cave in or move in? Lips purse, and faces snarl. Fist clinch, and muscles tense. Will there be a battle? Will there be a war? The tension escalates, and finally, the three year old backs away. At least this time, he wasn't pushed beyond the limits.

How is it that a tiny little creature who was privileged to be born to parents in this world can develop such a defiant demeanor? Who taught him or her to be this rebellious and to be such a challenge hearted child? Was there someone who sat down and said, “Now, when you're parents tell you to do something, you just stand your ground and tell them “No”? The sweetest environment for children can still produce a child that pushes far beyond the limits.

It's like the little boy whose mother told him to sit down repeatedly until she finally had to sit him down. His words? “I may be sitting on the outside, but I am still standing on the inside!” Where did he get that from? His daddy? His mommy? Maybe it was a grandmother or grandfather? Maybe it was from a church or synagogue? Or could it be that it was just born within him or her?

Nonetheless, today there will be children both older and younger who have the advantage of being in the world, living in the world, being provided for in the world, who will look their authorities in the eyes and say, “I'm not obeying you.” Hmmm...When it comes to being pushed beyond the limits, maybe the limits are not just related to children, unless those children have just never grown out of it.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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