Friday, June 3, 2011

Wrestling Past the Barriers

Communication is sometimes difficult. It doesn't matter if the two parties are ambassadors representing countries or an every day husband and wife, understanding with clarity what is in another person's mind is a challenge. Sometimes the effort can seem useless, and other times the information may prevent war. Most of the time it is beneficial if a person will pursue discernment by wresting past the barriers that prevent one person from understanding another.

Previous hurts, disregard, neglect and indifference from others usually prevents good communication. Sometimes people have fears of rejection that are so deep within that they themselves do not even know they are there. The pain caused by someone they loved and trusted pushed the ability to truly communicate so deep into the subconscious that even their behavior reflects it without them knowing. “He's this way. She's that way,” are the normal appraisals, but many do not care enough to discover why these “ways” are there.

Future results in relationships are directly dependent upon present communication. If a person desires a fight, he or she doesn't have to look far, but if the same person will care enough to wrestle past differences, pursue understanding, and seek clarity, he or she may find a new best friend.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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