Thursday, December 13, 2018

Cigarettes Rule

What is this cancer stick forlorn
with wrap filled plant and medical warn
tis cigarette that talks to thee
rants o're and o're to fill thy need

That dictates drive beneath thy feet
for thou must have post after eat
before thou sleep just one more puff
thy butts to cast regardless guff

Before thou enter no smoking signs
with dogged breath thou dost align
with smoke filled rooms without a care
of second hand fumes that spread from there

To find a light thou hast no shame
another senseless drag the aim
the cougher's breath dost thou ignore
and tar filled lungs be just a bore

While burn filled seats and blanket holes
and ashes fill thy floorboard molds
tobacco fields yield more and more
the reapers yield addictive spore

Thy yellow stained fingers and teeth a waste
thy ash-filled breath with numbing taste
thine eyes with tears from smokey spray
and disregard for others' way

For blow thy smoke it tis thy right
and smoke thou wilt with all thy might
thy great reward for lack of heed
to doctors warn that be to thee

With nicotine thy drug of choice
without a care of raspy voice
nor wilt of skin and xanthous eyes
thy ignorant boast for thou art wise

And rule thy life this whited fags
for thou must take another drag
until thy grave this cigarette rule
and know it's captured another fool

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