Saturday, December 10, 2011

Controversial Peace - Equipped for Battle

He believes this, and she believes that. His political views are conservative, and her views are liberal. They see it this way, and those people see it just the opposite. Is it any wonder how there may be so many opposing ideas can exist within the same country? Has anyone else noticed that there is a solidarity beneath contention and unity below the differences? Just what is that factor that reign supreme above all disputes, arguments and fights for what is deemed “right”? Just what is all the controversy over “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men”?

To hear some speak it, the idea of having “peace on earth” is either a bad idea or may only be managed by having them get their own way on every issue and in every situation. Should they desire “others to be taxed, that would bring peace”. “If only these folk would be made to work, then there would be peace”. The difficulties arise when those who are to be taxed do not wish to be so and those who do not desire to work will not. Now, in just these two examples, peace is gone, and controversy prevails. It matters very little which side one finds him or herself on, each simply desires to have it their own way. In other words, if everything goes exactly how they want it, every time they want it, then there is peace. However, should anyone, any group, or any differing view rule, then complaints, arguments, and war are employed, and controversy wins again.

Struggle here. Struggle there. He likes this, and she likes that. Vanilla, chocolate, Democrat, Republican, Protestant, Catholic, etc., etc., etc., and once again, the world needs to hear the cry of the season, “Peace on Earth, Good will toward Men.”

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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