Sunday, April 10, 2011

Herkamer and Gertrude The Motorcycle Part 5

Herkamer's middle of the night passion was to get a motorcycle, and although he never road one before, he now was banging around printers, making loud noises and pretending to ride motorcycles on the bicycle he dragged into his living room. He had just been making motorcycle noises when his wife Gertrude scolded him for waking her up...
As soon as Gertrude slammed the door to their bedroom, Herkamer climbed back aboard the bicycle and silently pretended to ride motorcycles again. This time, however, he made the noises silently and occasionally looked toward the bedroom door with a smirk and a stuck out tongue as if to say, “I'm riding anyway!”

As he turned his head with a snap from his rebellious childlike antics, he suddenly began to lose balance. The bicycle leaned too far to his left side, and KABLAAM it fell directly into Gertrude's favorite coffee table. Gertrude's most-loved music box given to her by her great-grand mother and passed down from generation to generation which sat on top of the coffee table was now flying through the air. Herkamer remembered his dad's favorite phrase, “Son, you only get one chance at some things.” “OH NO!” said Herkamer softly as he squinted his face and watched the music box hit a wall, explode into fifty pieces or more and was scattered everywhere.

Herkamer climbed out from under the bicycle and began anxiously collecting pieces. “If she finds this out, she'll kill me” he said under his breath as he hurried and looked occasionally toward the bedroom door. He gathered the larger pieces, but the music mechanism slid under a book rack that was near the crash point. He quickly stuffed the pieces into the front of his pants just as Gertrude abruptly opened the bedroom door, rushed to the living room and said angrily, “What in the world are you doing out here, Herkamer?” “Nothing” Herkamer said innocently as he adjusted the jagged pieces of the music box in his pants. “Then why is that bicycle laying on my favorite coffee table?” Gertrude's aggravated inquiry continued, “and where is my music box?” Herkamer was just about to lie and say he didn't know when a “Ding da dink” sound came from under the book rack. Gertrude's face pursed in anger. Her bodied stiffened, and she...

Stay tuned tomorrow. Same blog time. Same blog spot. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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