Thursday, April 28, 2011

Until Lightning Strikes

Flashes across the sky illuminating settings that momentarily are unseen; Jagged bolts of electricity piercing the darkness with power to generate cities with magnificent displays of energy that when harnessed changes lives and moves people to places never before imagined; Lightning. One of nature's most powerful traits that demonstrates a person's small ability when compared, and until lightning strikes, many believe themselves to be something they are not and will boast in the same.

Life has its way of sending “lightning” into a person's existence. One moment everything seems normal, the job,the home, the spouse, the children, and all is happy until, that sudden news comes, that devastating report is read, that announcement is spoken, and everything changes. Accident, cancer, heart attack, lost, gone, missing, stolen, cheated, fired, laid off, divorce, and on and on the list is compiled of words that suddenly alter a person's path. Unrest is gained, worry is employed, and wrestling for a new position becomes the norm.

What is left when the lightning strikes in a person's life is that which is in their core. When everything relied upon is taken away in a flash, only that part which cannot be taken will be left, and a person discovers who they really are. Lose the material, lose the relationships, lose the matters in which one takes pride, lose every resource in a lightning bolt of time, and realize the character that remains is that which both the individual and the world needed to concentrate on all the time.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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