Friday, April 8, 2011

Herkamer Gertrude Pause for Another MRZ CENTRE Outreach Story

The writer decided that the motorcycle story from Herkamer and Gertrude needed a temporary interruption, a commercial of sorts, to bring to the reader another MRZ CENTRE Outreach story. Every second and forth Saturday of the month, volunteers arrive early to serve people whom they do not know groceries, clothing, shoes, cell phone calls, literature and music, medical care and now even hair cuts, and all is given for free. Today the story comes from “The Volunteers”.

They come from all backgrounds, and they come from all walks of life. Doctors, nurses, bankers and homemakers, carpenters and dental workers, young and old, different races and social strata, arrive to volunteer just a couple hours to help others in need. Some arrive at seven to help set up tables, put out clothing, align the shoes, and place books and cds on tables. Others come a little later and join to move boxes, ready bags, registration, or the cell phone area. Some help with sorting clothing or putting garments on racks, and others prepare coffee, muffins and cookies to give away. If medical help arrives, the makeshift medical room is readied, and if someone comes to cut hair, a temporary barber shop is prepared. After everyone is served, many volunteers help put everything back where they found it. Basically, it's people helping people for just a couple hours per Saturday.

There are ways to help, and volunteers are involved in these too. First, food is bought so inexpensively that people are best advantaged to donate small amounts of money to Calvary Chapel designated MRZ CENTRE Outreach. Usually the purchase of over one thousand pounds of food costs one hundred and fifty dollars or less. This usually provides groceries for about two hundred to three hundred people. Second, people can give their time. Show up one Saturday and help for an hour or two. Everyone is usually finished by ten o'clock in the morning, so only a portion of the Saturday is used. Third, provide shoes, usually one pair of nice tennis shoes makes life easier for one child or adult. Forth, medical provisions. Sure, medical help is always welcomed, and it is for a very short amount of time, but even small things such as alcohol, band aids, hydrogen peroxide, reading glasses, etc. help people care for minor medical needs which allows them to get by in tough times. Finally, clothing may be donated. There are tons and tons of clothes given, however, children and men clothing are the least donated. There are plenty of women's garments to give away, but children and men's clothing are in short supply.

All donations except for the actual volunteer opportunities are received either at Calvary Chapel of Tallahassee located at 8614 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee, Florida, 32309 or MRZ Storage located at 2908 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32308. Those who wish to join the host of volunteers arrive at 118 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida anywhere from seven to eight o'clock every second and forth Saturday with giant smiles warm welcomes on their faces.

Yes, volunteers giving everything away for free, especially their time and love, every second and forth Saturday of each month, and it's in the middle of our city just because they care about others. Volunteers, who provide such a wonderful effort for such a small time have discovered that life has a great deal more meaning when they reach beyond their own desires for just a short time to do unto others as they would have others to do unto them.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing the stories about MRZ Outreach, I wish we were in town to help out...maybe I can convince Todd to start a ZRG Outreach in Alabama. By the way...did you know we're moving? :)
