Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Shouting of the Unheard

Their voices ring loudly, yet no one hears, and their bellows are like the sounding of a cruise ship horn,yet no one listens. They're alone, yet among many, and their cries melt over society like candles in the warm summer sun. No one comprehends, yet many hear their words, and not a one perceives although they are obvious. They're depressed, and yet joyous, and they're sad, yet cheerful. The masks they wear carefully cover lest anyone should see, and their hearts are heavy, but they dwell as light as a feather.

Who are they? Where are they, and why bother with such trivial fodder? They're friends. They're neighbors, and their associates within the work places and clubs. They're in the office, and they're in nearby homes, and though their lives appear together, inwardly they feel like the world has them in a blender. From this issue to that they run to cover one while another slips away, and when this relationship gets off base, their covering of it seems to ruin another somewhere else. Back and forth, back and forth the unheard roam and wonder if anyone really cares.

They plead, but to no avail. They cry, but seem as whiners. They beg, but become those who never merit any help. Government red tapes them, and society shuns them, and those who might be of help have exhausted all their resources in previous offerings. Is there no one there? Is there no one who really cares?

What are they to do, and who will ever listen to their labors and heavy ladenness? Who would ever offer them rest unless they are heard? Who will ever teach them, and to whom will they be yoked together so that another is bearing the load? Who will ever place easiness before them when their burden is so heavy?

Is there no one? Is there someone? Is there anyone who cares to listen to the shouting of the unheard?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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