Friday, September 16, 2011

Able to Leap Tall Buildings

“Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird. It's a plane. It's...” Most who read this blog know the answer, It's Superman, and with that wonderful opening one of the greatest super hero shows would begin. The “Adventures of Superman” was magical, out of this world, and gave hope that there was somewhere out there the one person who could do something that no other person could do. Yet, where is that “Superman” today? Or that “Superwoman” today?

There seems to be enough activity around that could use abilities like these superheros obtain, but where are they? Are they on the sidelines looking on the battles and wondering who will be the next to step in? Has cowardice prevailed and ambivalence shined? Has boldness been replaced by “parrot-ism” and the idea of being faster, more powerful and able been substituted with awkwardness, weakness and inability?

Maybe it's much easier to be on the sidelines and relax into criticism rather than plunge in the game and become a participant rather than a spectator. After all, the players are the ones who are subject to injury, right? Not the spectators. Of course, there are the news analyst who obviously “know it all” and will give you the haughty faces and words to declare it, but there aren't many of them in the game.

No, a person could conclude that it is indeed much easier to just tailgate rather than train. It's more simple to take a seat or grab a pom pom than to rough it out. Observation supersedes participation for any who might consider the fall-out for attempting to leap the tall buildings. And for any who might dare to venture into the core of another human life, absence is safe, and being nonchalant is innocuous, but those who dare become the superheros who are needed today.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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