Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hickory Chicory Dock

Most who read this have heard the well known nursery rhyme “Hickory Dickory Dock”, but just in case one has not, it goes like this,

Hickory Dickory Dock

The Mouse ran up the clock

The Clock struck one

The mouse came down

Hickory Dickory Dock

From most of the descriptions, the purpose of this rhyme is to help children with telling time, and the musically enjoyable version of this poem encourages them to be involved. However, who among the readers has ever heard of “Hickory Chicory Dock?” Oh, now Chicory, that's quite another story.

Chicory? What in the world is “Chicory” anyway? This is what “” reports,

“Overview – Chicory, or Cichorium intybus, is a plant that grows in Asia, Europe and North America, and has a history of medicinal uses and properties. Chicory is also known as coffeeweed, which reflects its popularity in coffee,. Chicory is used for cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and sedative purposes. Regardless of medicinal properties, side effects may result.

Appetite and Weight Loss – After starting to take chicory as a supplement, you may notice a drop in your appetite. Specifically, a loss of appetite as well as some weight loss may occur, states Wellness. Com. These side effects are usually are temporary and will subside as the body gets used to the supplement. Should these side effects become worrisome, the speak with your doctor.”

So, after that very verbose and technical explanation, let's break it down to a simple explanation. Since most of the “Fibre bars” have “Chicory” as one of the main ingredients, a person who delves into “Chicory” bars might feel a little gassy, sleepy, and skinnier. So, in other words, the poem might read,

Hickory Chicory Dock

The bar began to mock

Throne came around

The weight went down

Hickory Chicory Dock

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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