Sunday, September 18, 2011

Being Alone

The crowd was extremely loud, and there wasn't a seat left in the stadium. Noise, music, screaming and shouting were all around. People were bumping into one another. People were moving to the side, positioning themselves for better views, and standing so close together that there was hardly room to move. And yet, there were some that were alone.

How is it that a person can be among such a massive amount of people with bodies everywhere, communications all around, and more human presence than a stadium could easily manage and still be alone? It is understandable if a person is abandoned on a deserted island, but to be alone in a crowd seems impossible, doesn't it? Nonetheless, there are those who are alone.

Quite possibly events from the past have encouraged their loneliness. Perhaps persistent hopes that others would accept them have been dashed upon their lives. Maybe there were promises that were not kept or vows that were broken and violated by those they once loved, but whatever the disappointment with events and relationships their state is now loneliness even though a crowd of people are around.

Who reaches out to them, and how shall they be known? Are there any who are looking for them, helping them, and encouraging them to lend a hand in their loneliness? Maybe if everyone were aware that there really are those who are alone even when others are around, the world would truly be a different place to live. Should there be one who is reading these words and fitting the profile, consider this the writer's effort to reach out and say, "I'm with you."

Until tomorrow...Why Say More? 

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