Saturday, September 24, 2011

Another MRZ CENTRE Outreach Story - The Final Chapter

It began out of the blue, and it seems to be ending out of the blue. The Bibles, the food, the clothing, and the shoes; the literature, and the medical aid, the caring people, and those who work so diligently. What if it was said, “Yes, unless some sort of miracle occurs, today shall be the last MRZ CENTRE Outreach. Today we'll break the news, and today we will help others like never before.” “What if it were told, “Today, might just be the final chapter.”

Sometimes events that occur regularly are managed in such a way that they are taken for granted. Just like loving people in our lives, sometimes the relationship ends simply because of death, a breakup or moving away. Sometimes even the greatest of ideas become obsolete, outdated or unable to be continued, and people have to let them go. Though hand join in hand and strength be fully manifested, sometimes the train is just to heavy to stop, and like a rushing tsunami, the floodgates are too strong to resist. They nonetheless become the final chapter.

However, as a reminder, as each sunset of a ministry occurs it merely prepares for the dawn of a new opportunity in the future. The resistance must be toward forswearing, renouncing and abandoning from within, and the passion must be fed with the excitement that just as one chapter finishes another will begin.

Should this be, could this be, the final chapter. If so, then let the new book begin.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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