Tuesday, September 6, 2011


An old proverbs says, “Wisdom is the principle thing, therefore get wisdom/” What a wonderful challenge this is, and what an encouraging word. Could it be, would it be that wisdom is the principle thing? One would think the ability to know how to use knowledge that is gained is important, however, maybe it's time to visit wisdom again.

When a person hits himself with a hammer, it is wisdom to be more careful not to hit himself again. When the temperature is over one hundred degrees, it is wisdom to put shoes on before one walks on the asphalt. Tightening the lid to the salt shaker is a practice of wisdom before a person shakes the entire contents on to his steak. When bread has grown a fungus on it from sitting in the cabinet too long, it is wisdom not to eat it, or when the ice cream has frost bite all over the top of it, one would use wisdom by throwing it away. These day to day acts of wisdom seem principle, don't they?

Perhaps one should consider wisdom in the way the country is being run? Where is wisdom with the elected officials, makers of the law, economic strategies? Perhaps policies that have been in place should be observed and then wise decisions be made about them? Maybe the effect upon businesses, unemployment, entitlements, and the like could use a little of the principle thing, but then again, why use the principle thing when everything is okay the way it is, right? But then again, old proverbs are archaic and outdated, and people are more sophisticated now with much more knowledge than was available when that statement was made, right?

Here's a little wisdom, when it isn't working the way that it is being done now, what makes anyone think that it will work if a person continues to do the same thing?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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