Friday, September 9, 2011

Another MRZ CENTRE Outreach Story - Giving the Towels Away

He noticed the ribbon wrapped towel set in the household items that were to be given away. The new light tan colored bath towels, the single hand towel, and wash towel were like a Christmas present that anyone with a home would desire. They were soft, and looked to be a refreshing treat to anyone who used them, but Tommy wanted to claim them before any other person spotted them. His question to one of the volunteers was, “Are they giving those towels away?” “Oh yes,” responded the volunteer, “Why?” “Cause I want them,” Tommy answered firmly. The truth was that Tommy didn't need them. He had towels, and knowing that the volunteer knew this was a wonderful opportunity for a valuable lesson.

“So, you really want those towels?” the volunteer asked. “Yes I do, “ Tommy repeated and continued, “they would look really good in my house.” “Okay,” said the volunteer, “take those towels, but here is the catch, you have to find someone who needs them and give them away.” “Give them away!” Tommy retorted with unbelief, “But I wanted them for myself.” To which the volunteer answered, “Yes, Tommy, that's what makes this such a great opportunity for you. You really don't give something to someone else unless you really would like to have that item for yourself.” “Give it away, huh?” Tommy asked again while thinking with an incredulous look. “That's right, Tommy. You can only have the towels to give them to someone else.”

Tommy looked at the volunteer, and reluctantly said, “Okay”. He and the volunteer watched the others who were visiting that day. Many had very little, and most were very much in need. Finally Tommy spotted an older feeble woman and said, “I think she is the one.” Tommy took the towel set in hand, looked at it closely one more time, and said, “Ma'am, could you use this towel set?” The elderly lady looked at him with a huge smile on her face and said, “Oh my yes! All of my towels are so bad in my house. Thank you so much. I have needed a new towel for so long.” Tommy smiled at the lady, then smiled at the volunteer, and they walked away from the happy woman together.

“Tommy,” the volunteer questioned, “How did that make you feel?” “Pretty good,” he said with a smile, but I sure did like those towels.” “I know, Tommy,” the volunteer answered, “and now you have given away that which you truly wanted for yourself and have learned a valuable lesson at MRZ.” Tommy smiled and said, “Yes I did. Yes I did.”

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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