Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pushing Past the Blank Spot

It happens to the best of them, and there seems to be no way out. A blank paper is before the writer, and he or she must develop some sort of writing or else the mission will not be accomplished, the grade not received or the essay never completed. Still, with all effort exacerbated, nothing comes to the mind to write. No words, no sentences, and certainly not a paragraph are coming to the page. It stares like a catatonic hebephrenic who giggles at the lack of certainty, and there seems to be no way to push past the blank spot.

Lost memory is like this too. Some events are pushed so deeply within the subconscious that recall is impossible, and to remember a single detail is like a mirage. Sometimes hurt, pain, insult or injury shoves memories into places that are more blank than the moment of one's birth. Faces, comments, locality and presence are lost in a blur and nothing more than a blank sheet stands in the place of what was involvement. Callback is mute, and deliverance from impending mutation is as useless as a porous umbrella in the rain.

So what is one to do when such occurs? Is there a cure for the writer's blank? Is there hope for release from the buried past? Indeed. For each, just begin. Begin to write whatever comes to the mind. Soon words appear, then sentences, then paragraphs that can be ordered into essays. Begin to speak whatever is remembered about that time. How old was the participant? Who was living then? Was there a school attended or car driven? Were there certain friends known at that time? Soon as the simple memories are recollected, more memories arrive. One by one the details return, the feelings associate, and the person moves from the perpetual blank spot to a zone where healing begins, and being is realized.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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