Friday, October 14, 2011

Another Day Another Story

Pages of the moments are being recorded right now... “And then she awoke in all her glory and through sleepy eyes looked at the clock as it made that annoying noise. It is time to awaken again, and she is out of bed and beginning to get ready for her new day...” Maybe the scenario is like this, “Suddenly he was awoken out of his deep sleep by the loud noises of the garbage trucks outside. Friday's are always trash days, and he forgot to put the trash out once again.” No matter how it begins, each person awakens to another day and another story. The question is, “How will the story play out today?”

“Let's go to the beach.” “Let's go to the mountains.” “No, let's go to our favorite team's game.” “No, there is a ballet recital this evening, and we must be there.” Think about it. How many different stories are being written right before everyone's eyes everyday? Today, there will be some exciting times for some, and for others, this day will bring sadness. For still more there will be engagements, vacations, wins, losses, good news, bad news, and the interesting part is that many of these events will occur completely by surprise. Still, yet, they become part of the story.

One person said, “Each person's life is like a story that is being told” and if that is so, what if every event, every word, every joy and every sorrow is being written down so that others may read it some day? What if each good thing done is recorded, and what if every bad thing said is written down? If people were conscious that every action and word they thought or did was being scribed in a canon that could be recalled, would their day look any different? Would their attitudes be the same? Would they engage others in the same manner? Would they worry, cry, complain or be depressed as much? Would they help more, care more or look to another's behalf more than their own more often? Only the reader knows, and only the reader will understand what might be done with another day and another story.

Ringgggggggggggggggg! What will today be like?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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