Monday, October 3, 2011

Pushing Past

Most everyone who reads has heard the story of the “Little Train that Could.” With great anticipation and expectancy, children who listen to the story cheer as the little train repeats, “I think I can. I think I can.” Then, of course, with tremendous effort and tenacity, the small train makes it over the large hill. What a lesson, what a motivation, and what a drive is put within the person who adheres to this theme and pushes past the mountain before them.

Let's face it, some of the challenges in life are very much like mountains. With rigid passages, groups of trees, mounds of snow or inclimate temperatures or other impediments, mountains become an xcellent example of tasks to overcome. Some quit, and others grow too weary to push past the top. Some only stare into the massive rising of the situation before them. Others are catatonic from previous experiences, and still more simply talk and never move. There are a few keys to pushing past the mountain, and maybe some will hear.

First, recognize the mountain. Spell out what the task is. Second, make a plan toward success. Third, begin moving. It is easier to steer a moving car than it is to steer a parked one. Fourth, Keep moving. Although there may be a few setbacks with tenacity the goal will be reached, and like the little train that could, the mountain will be pushed to the past.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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