Monday, October 24, 2011

Who Cares

Most who have any experience in life at all can recall the comedic routine by Abbott and Costello named, “Who's on First.” As Abbott is trying to explain to Costello the names of the players on his baseball team, he uses pronouns such as “Who”, “What” ,“Where”, “I don't know” and “I don't care.” Most who have viewed the scene laugh hysterically at Costello's inability to understand. This background serves for today's writing, because, “Who” cares anyway?

Who cares that there are people right in our city who do not have housing, clothing, or even sometimes food. Who cares that there are famished people throughout our country, and who cares that there will be no provision for them tonight. Who cares that there are wars and fighting, pestilences and diseases throughout the world, and who cares that many are dying from such troubles. Who will actually get involved in finding solutions for others with such plights, and who makes an effort to go beyond just contributing financially toward such causes. Who is empathetic, sympathetic and caring, and who can relate to others because who has been through perilous times before. Yes, who is active rather than passive about such happenings.

The question becomes, “Who is who anyway?” Who is the who who cares. Who decides to make a move, buck the trend, be involved and rescue rather than sit on the sidelines. Who enters the game and tires of spectating. Who determines that some things can be altered, changed and helped. Who is rarely found and widely needed, and no one really knows who will be the next who who does not allow what, where, when and how to become deterrents to activity. Who just knows it's who's turn, and those who know these things know who who is supposed to be.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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