Sunday, October 16, 2011

One Dollar at a Time

An old Chinese proverbs says, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step,” and so goes the motivation for moving into what may seem to be impossible. Let's face it, many people steeped themselves into so much debt that they wonder if there is ever any light at the end of the tunnel. However, the most difficult part of the relief from debt or any other venue that invites endurance, tenacity and patience, is to first assess the situation one is in, and then make a plan for completing the goal. In other words, when it comes to repayment of debt, a person should concern themselves with paying back one dollar at a time.

“The debtor is servant to the lender” one great book states, and those who know the slavery that owing another individual incurs can totally relate. The task can seem daunting, but it can nonetheless be accomplished. There must be a continual motivation that has simplistic reward along the journey. One fellow filled a jar full of marbles to denote every Saturday that he had left in his life. Week by week he would remove a marble from the jar, and slowly he could see that his time was vanishing before his eyes. The key was to make the most of each of his Saturdays, and for those who know the joy of watching a debt whether small or large disappear, there is a satisfaction that feels like removing chains that bind.

The path is sometimes long, but begins by making the first move, assessing the amount required, and then purposing to move with all the might available to complete the task before. With time, effort, concentration and persistence, one dollar at a time will remove the chains link by link and yard by yard.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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