Thursday, October 6, 2011

What If He's Working on You?

The middle aged woman was overheard saying, “I don't understand why I have to go through this.” A young man questioned, “Why would this happen to me?” An older lady remarked, “It's never been like this before. Is there any reason why I should be having to do it this way?” And on an on it goes with people enduring events and circumstances that are unexplainable. No matter how the thoughts, and no matter how much one tries to understand, there are some situations that cannot be comprehended. But what if, just what if He's working on you?

An old saying goes, “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.” Now, that might not seem too attractive to those who are enduring some sort of suffering or trouble, but what if there really is one who has this person in the very situation they face just because there are parts within their character that are being worked on? Like a master craftsman of old, He just might be at work hammering, chiseling, sanding and buffing his masterpiece. By allowing the difficult blows, the pointed marks, the rubbing scratches, one by one each event forms, fashions, and creates an image that is very much unlike the one with which he began. He's working, and only the afflictions will produce the end product He has in mind.

“Ouch!” one may say. “That hurts!” might be the response of another. “Why did that have to happen?” another might question. One may never be able to answer these questions with the satisfaction desired, but in general there may be a few more places that the master has to work to complete the masterpiece that He knows is within. Yield to the master's handiwork.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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