Saturday, October 22, 2011

Chattering Scales

Does anyone else have the experience of believing that food speaks to them? For example, a person can be minding his or her own business, walking through their home, getting ready to watch a little television, when suddenly, from the kitchen area, the refrigerator begins to speak in a quiet whispering voice. “Ice cream. You need ice cream.” Diets scream back, “No, no, you'll get fat. You'll get fat.” But the voice from the fridge cries louder, and is joined by the pantry. “Ice cream,” the fridge says louder. “Cashews,” chimes in the pantry, and then to top it all off, the scales in the bathroom is overheard saying, “You will tilt me. You will tilt me,” and who can resist the voice of the chattering scales?

Now, before one makes the assessment that the writer is psychotic or needs to see a shrink, think about the concept just a little. Are there not persuasive thoughts that push a person toward his or her vice or addiction? Is there not a salesman within the mind who gives convincing arguments as to why this particular time there is ample reason, justifiable cause, and a manageable excuse for indulging? If not, how is it then that so many imbibe, swallow, and gratify to the point of addiction? Not many are forced into their vice, they are rather, convinced.

Perhaps if the “Chattering Scales” could walk, talk, and arrest there would be a curving of the penchant. Imagine the next time the refrigerator speaks and the pantry chants that the “Chattering Scales” were to suddenly appear, lock the refrigerator and pantry doors, and put one's mouth into a restrictive hold and say, “You are not going there today!” Now, maybe there would be less inclination to acquiesce, and the resistance would be a little easier, but then again, who has the market on such a pervasive product, and would there be enough of them to go around? Such chattering scales would have to be omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent in order to manage such volume, and who has that kind of supply? Maybe, just maybe, the chattering scales are within, and the persuading voice is divine.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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