Wednesday, October 19, 2011


The daunting task was ahead of the young boy, and his race was about to begin. He could see the path ahead of him that included monkey bars, a balance beam, tires, a swinging rope, two concrete pipes and another rope that was attached to a wall. It was the school's obstacle course. “On your mark” began the coach. “Get set” the chant continued. “Go” and the youngster was off.

Most who read these words remember the days when the obstacle course was ahead of them. In fact, for many, just the memory of this course is enough to cause some dread, but for others it causes relief that they do not have to face that challenge today. However, this reminiscent venue provides a perfect example for those who have intentional goals they plan to reach at some point or another. Before one reaches the “finish line”, there are a few, if not many, obstacles in the way.

So how does a person ever reach the finish line anyway? With so many obstacles impeding, so many trials of efforts retarding, so many challenges and hindrances in the way, is there really any way to make it to the tape that declares the end? The answer is “yes” and again let it be written “yes”.

Simply begin, and deal with each obstacle as it appears. Don't worry about the balance beam until the monkey bars are managed. Don't worry about the tires until the balance beam is crossed, and on and on. In other words, just begin to run, climb, crawl and claw, and be persistent, and before too long, the tape at the end will be in sight. However, remember, at the end of most obstacle courses, there is another one just ahead that will require even more strength to manage.

“On your mark. Get set. Go!”

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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