Monday, October 10, 2011

Reading Between the Lines

Is there something hidden? Is there something not being said? What does she mean by that way of saying that, and what does he mean by those phrases? Is it real or paranoia? Does someone have an overactive imagination or is there verity within? Most people have experienced both sides of this communication dilemma, but are there those who use this mode of operation on a regular basis. There are advantages and disadvantages of reading between the lines.

The advantages of reading between the lines is that someone else doesn't always receive the same information. For example, there may be things that mommy and daddy do not want little Johnny or Sally to hear. There also may be the “need to know” basis that employers and military personnel employ, however, whichever the case, the idea is that other parties do require the knowledge of the ones speaking. In order for them to understand the non-communicated, there is a great deal more difficulty reading between the lines.

The disadvantages of reading between the lines is that the left out parties may infer the wrong information. There is rarely anyone who can do what another desires for them to do unless they have their information. They cannot function in a required manner unless they can operate according to the sane mental content as the one sharing. Often reading between the lines is misinterpreted, off base, and totally unreliable, so dysfunction follows, and errors are made. Misinterpreting what is between the lines usually causes harm, hurt and sometimes destruction.

So, if one is really desiring to “read between the lines” and has a penchant to do so, consider this page: if one will notice what is “between the lines”, they will see that what is “between the lines” is space, and who wants a lot of space in their heads?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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