Saturday, August 22, 2020



From distant old among us

infection deep within

disease from everlasting

pandemic rampant sin

Within the present new

belonging to the past

all ages be affected

and none be unabashed

Demand thus each be tested

by ten commandments rule

alignment or rebellion

conviction or befool

And one by one the measure

God's law to test thy state

the list below of failure

of one or more mistake

Hast thou gods before thee

to worship and regard

within the present being

of Great and Mighty God

Hast graven image caught thee

and thy attention snatched

both time and economic

addicted and attached

Hast God's name thou forsaken

and taken thus in vain

portending to be Christian

not living thus the same

Hast Sabbath rest forsaken

and have thou no respect

to God's consistent resting

ignored and thus deflect

Hast thou despised thy parents

rebelled with great contempt

not honored nor obeyed them

thine error not exempt

Hast anger filled thy loathsome heart

for that thy brother killed

or wished his death removed from thee

t'would make thy heart be thrilled

Or hast thou gazed upon a maid

twas not thine own to flirt

and filled thy mind with sordid lust

adulterated dirt

Or stolen that which others have

and kept it as thine own

thy secret gaze about thy path

like none hath ever known

Hast lied thou with a forked tongue

dishonest hast thou been

or twisting truth to meet thy own

and disregarding sin

Does gossip fill thy soiled mouth

and tales regale thy mind

and quick to tell another's woe

to satisfy thy grind

Do speeding signs thou quite ignore

for hurried thus thou be

excusing lawless driving rules

with thy velocity

Doth greed impose thy willful heart

and climb the gold-filled life

neglecting those whom thou push down

while treating them with strife

Is pleasure that thou seekest first

each turn must be anew

from one joy to another

and more be not too few

Exhausting every venture

till one by one thou try

thy passion willful covetness

for none doth satisfy

And lest there be a missing one

another list must do

for drunken, drugs and reveling

they all be guilty too

Thus each one is infected

corrupted deep within

to break one law hast broke them all

contaminated sin

And found with close inspection

forever deadly state

sindemic of all people

throughout the human race

And give account shall every soul

upon the sordid earth

Almighty God to judge thee thus

from moment of thy birth

And one by one the guilty throng

hast filled the human race

with none escape from shameful acts

and all in need of grace

No cure or vaccine managed thus

eternal mortal fate

till Jesus came to rescue us

from judgment's final date

And thus be all infected then

sindemic's great disease

till grace be found in Jesus' name

by humbled bended knees


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