Friday, February 11, 2011

Another MRZ CENTRE Outreach Story

Today is another MRZ CENTRE Outreach in downtown Tallahassee, Florida, and so it's time for another MRZ CENTRE Outreach story. His name is Tommy, and he's in his early thirties. He's a tall African American man with a huge smile and a great heart. He has need both for himself and his mother, and they convene at the outreach early. Although the doors open at nine, Tommy and his mother are usually there just after five. It's cold, but their need is great.

Tommy has just endured an operation that requires special treatment, so when the volunteers arrive, he asks to sit inside the large open garage while the event is set up. He shows pain on his face, but he endures for the benefits that will be offered. A volunteer named Steve befriends Tommy and asks if he can pray for his wounds to heal, of which Tommy abides, and nothing more is said about it. The doors for the guests are opened right at nine o clock, and Tommy and his mother are allowed toward the front of the line. They receive their bags of groceries, gather some clothing, get a couple pair of shoes, and leave the event.

Two weeks later another MRZ CENTRE Outreach was held. Tommy came to the backdoor with a huge smile just after volunteers arrived. His report was that since Steve prayed for him, he was healed. Tommy told people he was a singer and asked if he could share a song with the volunteers. When the time to gather the volunteers together just before the doors opened to receive guests again, Tommy was asked to sing. In an acapella baritone voice, Tommy sang, “Lord, we need a blessing” as tears ran down volunteers eyes. Spontaneous applause erupted as soon as the song ended, and Tommy is now a regular volunteer who helps with setup at MRZ CENTRE before the event begins. Some may wonder why anyone would reach out to others in need? Tommy is the answer to that question. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I LOVE reading this! It's so wonderful that God still performs miracles like this!
