Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stand and Wait

Standing. Waiting. Standing. Waiting. Two of the most difficult parts of living are...standing and waiting. When everything else has been tried and all efforts have been made, stand. After one has stood, then he or she must wait. Both incur patience. Both require forbearance, and yet both, are so challenging.

Why does it seem as though most people choose the drive through line at the bank that takes the longest even though it has the least cars? What is it about choosing the grocery store checkout line that no matter which line one chooses, that one takes the most time even if it is the express checkout lane? Why does it seem that the operation goes a littler longer than expected, or the person says more in the speech than desired, the drive across town takes forever, and the expectation of desired relatives visiting never seems to come fast enough?

Why does it seem that time indeed flies when a person is having fun, but if that same person is in a class or called for jury duty, the second hands move slower? Does anyone remember looking at the second hands on the clocks on the wall in high school classrooms? Did anyone else wonder why telekinesis didn't work or prayer never seemed to make it go faster? When the difficulties arise time seems to move so slowly and waiting is at a premium, however, when the good times roll they seem to move at locomotive speed.

Sometimes one of the greatest attributes a person can have is the ability to do all, and then stand. When patience is employed after exhaustion of all efforts have been made, then things beyond one's control have place to move in directions never even dreamed of before. Stand. Wait. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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