Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hearing in the Shadows

Clamor and clanging, honking and screaming, signals here, banging there, is there not a place of solace? Is there not a place of silence? Is there not a place in the shadows where one can hear that which is being spoken constantly and yet unheard? Indeed.

The story is told of a man who wanted to hear a voice that was much greater than his own. The longing within him was passionate, and the more time that was spent away from the greater voice, the more desire grew. As he stood on the side of a mountain, a marvelous whirlwind came along, but there was no voice heard in the wind. When the wind ended, a tumultuous earthquake erupted, the but voice wasn't heard in the earthquake. After the earthquake, a huge fire passed before him, but the voice was not in the fire. Finally, in the shadows, and in the silence, a still small voice was heard, and at once the passion of the man was fulfilled.

Many times the noises of the world manage to dissuade a person from peace and fulfillment. Voices and stammering sounds impede the ability for one to hear. Silence is not only golden but essential for the inner soul to hear the one who speaks greater than one's own voice. However, this voice must be heard in the shadows, and most of those shadows emanate from deep within. Shhhhhh..........Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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