Monday, February 7, 2011

If Only...

If he would have only thrown that pass. If he would only have been open. If that guy would have only not dropped the ball or fumbled the ball or ran the ball. If the coach had only called that play or used this player or been paying attention. If only, if only, if only...

There will be a lot of “If onlys” discussed today. Those on the losing side will try to alleviate and eliminate the pain within whether it be great or small. They'll pontificate upon the play calls, and they'll question the decisions. They'll rerun the passes and pass back and forth the runs, and armchair warriors will administer their own solutions that would have won the game of course.

However, there shall the the gloaters – the armchair spectating warriors of course, but nonetheless the gloaters. They'll share how great they are, yet they were never on the field. They'll wear their colors again today to show the world they are winners, and they'll notify everyone that “they” won, and some will rub it in others faces to the point that another battle might ensue, and on and on it goes surrounding what is now in the past.

If only it were different.
If only people knew.
If only twas a reason beyond the game ensued.

If only for a moment,
maybe one or two,
people knew the way it feels when other people lose.

If only for a tiny time,
if only for a few,
winners had compassion instead of gloating too.

Far too soon the one who wins
will be a loser too,
and when the time “if onlys” come,
they'll reap compassion too.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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