Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Remember That?

“Can I borrow some coffee? Do you have a cup of sugar? Would you mind if I borrowed your tools, garage, or water hose?” Most have experienced that neighbor. The neighbor who wants to borrow and use, and for the most part neighborliness is very important to getting along, but how about that neighbor who finally does something in return, and then wants to charge for it? Their words when they don't receive payment right away are, “I'll remember that”.

Isn't it amazing how their “rememeberer” works so well when it comes to something they think they should be paid for and their “forgetter” functions even better when it comes to something they have used, borrowed or had? They may have had three or four hundred cups of coffee next door and only provided a can or two over the years, or maybe they used the sugar, creamer, plates, cups, napkins and sitting area of their neighbor's home, but that won't count one iota when they should be paid.

It reminds the writer of a man who chased his family member out of his house at Thanksgiving one year because this family member would come to partake of the entire Thanksgiving meal with his entire family and only bring a can of unopened peas to contribute. Year after year the unopened can of peas would be offered as his portion until finally the owner of the house had enough, and off he went.

One supposes there is enough selfishness and greed to share among everyone, however, there does seem to be those who have great penchants toward remembering and forgetting what they want, and maybe this writing will help those who “remember that” to “remember this” so that the next time they want to “remember that” this “remember this” will jar them into “remembering that” which has already been taken advantage of in the past. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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