Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stuck in Routines

So, here's the pattern. She wakes up, goes to the bathroom, meanders into the kitchen. She hasn't bothered to put on makeup or brush her hair. It's much too early for that, but rather she makes a pot of coffee. She turns on the news just to see if something happened over night, and settles in for a moment to clear her head for the day. The children will be up soon, and as usual she'll have to wake that one up several times because he never gets up on time. It's her routine, and without even thinking, she does it day, after day, after day, after day...

Are readers people of habit? Do they travel the same route every day? Do they manage the same people, function in the same job, sit in the same spot, have their desks in the same position, and talk with the same people every day? Is the weekend so exciting because it breaks with the routine?

What about places one sits in public? Do readers sit in the same place every time they go to church? Do they get upset when someone has “their” spot, and like one lady heard speaking say loudly, “Hey, you have my spot!” Creatures of habit and patterns of normalcy are difficult routines to alter.

One wonders, what would happen if every reader did something a little out of the ordinary, the dull, the mundane today? What if they tried a different way to work, a different person to talk with, a different place to sit, or maybe a different way to perform some task? But of course, there is the always faithful rut, that is not much more than a grave with both ends cut out. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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