Thursday, February 17, 2011

Relational Candy Bar

A man stood in line once to prepay for gasoline. Laid out before him were the inevitable candy bar delights that tempt most patrons of the convenience store fueling stations. After looking for some time, he noticed that the stash of candy delights included his wife's favorite,and upon further inspection, he found that the price for the single, regular sized candy bar was sixty nine cents! Sixty nine cents, at a time when the price for candy bars was three for a dollar? Outrageous! Still something within him said , “Buy her that candy bar.”

Now, under normal circumstances most would not make such a fuss over such a small expense, however, the thought of spending such a “large” amount over the price the same item could be purchased for at another store overwhelmed for a moment. The thoughts continued, “How much is that candy bar worth?” “Thirty cents” was the immediate answer to which the thoughts responded, “Then spend thirty cents on the candy bar and the other thirty nine cents on relationship.” The mental discussion was over, and even the tax was paid!

The point? Some items purchased have more value in them than just the value of the item itself. Some involve intangibles that cannot be measured by mere substance, but rather by thoughtfulness, care, and love. Maybe the next time a purchase is made for someone a person loves when it doesn't seem that there is much value in the product, the additional value of relationship will be factored into the purchase price, and therein will lie the deal of a lifetime. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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