Friday, February 11, 2011

Pain, an Indication of Wrong

“Ouch! That hurts! Oh, that is so sore! He's not sure what it is but it aches deep inside. There's this pain deep within that cannot be explained”, and on and on go the phrases people use when they are hurting. A paper cut is identified by pain. Hitting one's thumb with a hammer releases pain, and aches from deep within the core of a body that are as a result of emotional trauma, difficulties and loss are noticed through pain. Pain is an interesting indicator that something is wrong, and something that is needed.

But what if there were no pain? What if a person could not feel even the greatest damage to the body? What if the nerve endings were damaged to the point that no pain was ever felt? Why mice could chew the end of toes off in the middle of the night, and no one would awake. A cut person could bleed to death before he or she knew there was any trouble, and kitchen experts would keep chopping along even though their finger lay severed behind. An indication of pain is a marvelous advantage.

“Where does it hurt? How often does the pain occur? What remedies have been tried? Does it happen when sleeping or just when awake, during the day, at night, etc.? What if he's faking, or what if it's phantom pain? Is it perceived or real?” (Ever heard those words?) But what if there was one who knew every sore place, every hurt, every sorrow and every pain people ever endured? What if he was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief? What if his pain indicator not only registered for himself, but also for others throughout the whole world, and what if his objective was to remove all pain and the source of pain from finger pricks to heartbreaks? What kind of physician would he be? What greatness would be attributed to him, and who would not come to him to have their pain removed?

Some people might enjoy pain, but by all indications from the sorrow that emanates from the faces of hurting people, a physician like that would be welcomed into everyone's life or would he? One supposes that only those who seek for him will know. Otherwise, pain will endure, and hurting will continue. There is advantage in finding the Great Physician. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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