Monday, February 28, 2011

Perpetual Zero

The end of the month is here again, and tomorrow is another first. The first day of the month, again, and the record books record a zero. Zero income, zero sales, zero purchases, and zero customers are just the normal pattern for those in sales. Oh, the trend seems to be changing, but none really know. There are a few previous prospects, but no one can tell for sure if the sales will be made. The life of a salesperson is manifested by the perpetual zero.

What is a salary anyway? Most sales people do not know. Aren't they entitled as salespeople to security, constant monetary flow, and raises? Shouldn't there be some type of guarantee? What if a person does all that work and never makes a sale? Is that fair? Is that just? Why shouldn't he or she be entitled to some type of wage, benefits, and restitution for efforts made? Oh, only the perpetual zero knows.

How about entitlement? Isn't he or she entitled to some sort of money for effort? Shouldn't he or she be guaranteed vacation time, sales when he or she is gone, days off, sick days and the like? What kind of intestinal fortitude does one have to manage to weather the perpetual zero that arrives month after month after month? Are there really people out there who know nothing other than feast or famine, living where there is no promise of any money at the end of the week?

Indeed, and they live, work, and are driven by the perpetual zero. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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