Saturday, May 14, 2011

Another MRZ CENTRE Outreach Story - The Haircuts

Today marks another of the monthly second and fourth Saturday MRZ CENTRE Outreaches in downtown Tallahassee. On each of these Saturdays people volunteer their time, energy and love to reach out to individuals that they do not know to provide groceries, clothing, shoes, books and CDS, free cell phone calls, sometimes medical screenings, and now, the new addition- haircuts. Thus, today's story.

Her regular position is the owner and operator of a local hair salon, but every fourth Saturday of each month she loads her scissors, packs her combs, readies her mirror, and offers free haircuts for those who walk into MRZ CENTRE. Their hair hasn't been washed in a while. Their beards are out of control, and their faces reflect months and years of hardship below the disheveled hair. Their countenances have fallen, and their hope appears dashed against the onslaught of life.

Within a few moments of warm greeting by Julie and her assistants, the downtrodden guest begins a transformation. As dry wash ointment is applied to the hair and removal begins, conversations arise, stories are told, and for a few moments, existence seems to matter again. Cut by cut, link by link, hair is removed, and as he watches himself in the mirror on the wall being transformed the low feeling man is beginning to be encouraged. After a little more time, he is a new man. He feels good, and the best part about it was that it was free, paid in full, and without charge!

Free haircuts at MRZ CENTRE? Maybe that is one way to look at it, but transformation of a life at least for a little while makes cutting a few hairs worth much more than any beauty salon price of admission could be.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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