Thursday, May 5, 2011


The fuselage is in tact, and the ailerons move properly. The pitot tube is clear, and all the lights appear unbroken. The wings have no body damage, and the prop has no cracks or chips. A few more visual inspections, and the pilot will mount his plane and sore to the sky. He's flying solo today, and no one responsible is except for the one behind the wheel.

There is nothing like a solo flight. Alone, in command, personally attentive, responsible, and accountable should the plane take off, remain in flight and land safely. Whenever a person makes a solo attempt at something, demand is at its peak, and performance is blamed on no other. Full glory or demise rests at the end of the venture, and for that reason many never fly solo.

Oh, there is risk, but greater reward. There are troubles and corrections along the way, but the flight is worth the adjustments. There is chance of ridicule, persecution, and gossip, but conversations turn to praise about the victorious one who manages what they will never attempt.

Take a flight, solo, today, and watch the masses become spectators, the spectators become want-ta-bes, and the want-ta-bes become experts, while the one who has courage to make the flight becomes the authentic one.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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