Monday, May 2, 2011


Family. School. Church. Clubs. Teams. Squads, Countries and more are just a few of the mediums for human beings to belong. A certain sense of camaraderie is innate within most people. From the smallest of children to the oldest and most frail adult, enjoying the company of others is a huge part of the human existence.

However, what about those who feel that they do not belong? What about those who have been rejected, hurt, outcast and maligned by people in whom they trusted? What about those who have directed their paths in ways of alienation, recluse and abandonment? Are there venues that reach beyond the walls formulated to protect, safeguard and defend against any future hurt?

The writer knew of people who bought fields and land to get away from everyone. Another chose to stay within her apartment. Another speaks to no one, and another wraps herself in layers of clothing even in the summertime. Her garments serve as layers of protection. Is there no reaching them? Is there anyone who cares?

Exposure promulgates risk, and risk unrewarded or maligned thrusts a person into hiding. Some hide from without, and some hide within. Some are safe, and others are a danger to themselves and society. How then shall those who know them react, or will this be just another pontification inspiring only the page upon which it is posted?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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