Saturday, May 14, 2011

Having Less than the Chase

There once was a boy who could think of nothing other than this girl. When he woke he thought of her. Throughout the day he thought of her, and he could hardly sleep at night because thoughts of her kept racing through his head. How could he live without her? How would he ever exist should she not be in his life? Date after date, and time after time with her allowed him to know that this was the one, this one would provide the magic, this one would be the only one he would love all his life. He had to have her. He must have her. He needed to have her, but then, he got her. Within just a little time, he realized that she was not all he thought her to be; she was not everything he thought she was; and actually having her was much less than the chase to have her.

The chase does seem to be greater than having what is chased sometimes. Like the vacation that a person has thought about all year not going exactly as imagined, or perhaps the boat that was supposed to be the great escape for the family that now sits in the yard without starting for months. Sometimes it is the reunion with a certain person or group that is thought about so highly until the actual meeting occurs. There is indeed a tendency to have expectations supersede reality.

Perhaps a person should just roll around and enjoy the thoughts of a pursuit rather than actually obtaining. But then again, where would adventure be in delusional thought? How would one know whether or not something, someone or some place would possibly exceed his or her expectations, and would the pursuit of pursuing be less than expectations also? Maybe, maybe not, and until one plays the hand that is dealt him or her, only the expectation for a few better cards will keep him or her in the game.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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