Thursday, May 19, 2011

Me is Always on My Mind

The older lady was heard saying, “Could you turn it down please. It's hurting my ears.” The customer asks, “Why can't I have it for free?” The business partner shares, “I think it is fair for you to pay all the bills out of your half of the profits and for me to get all of mine.” These and other thoughts like them cause the writer to ask, “Is it not amazing how much “me” is always on my mind?”

Some say, “I'll have it my way, did it my way, want it my way, and there is no other way than my way. If you do it my way, I will be happy at least for a while, but if you do it any other way, I'll complain. There is no need to consider that another person may want it differently or even need it differently. This is me, and “me” should get what “Me” wants every time “me” wants it.” Now, how would the world be if “me” always prevailed? Let's look.

First, since “me is always on my mind, “me” would win the lottery every time there was one. “Me” would own anything he or she wants at any time he or she wants it. “Me” would never stop for a red light because there would never be one for “me”. In fact, all the traffic would move out of the way for “me”. The weather would always be the way “me” wants it, and whenever “me”wants to go anywhere, “me” gets the best seats, best hotels, and the best meals for free.” “Me” doesn't have to pay for anything, and yet “me” has all the money in the world. “Me” doesn't pay taxes either, and “me” never gets sick. Also, “me” will never die, and lest one forget, everyone loves “me” too. By the way, “me” always has his or her candidate win, and since government bows to “me”, there is no need for “me” to comply with any laws that rule over the land. In other words, “Me” gets anything, anytime, anywhere, and any place that “me” wants it.

Now, is there any among the crowd that grows tired of the “me”? Maybe the next time “me” doesn't have it goes his or her way, “others” rather than “me will be on my mind”.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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